Saturn & Pholus to the Galactic Center ~ 21 Nov 2017

The time is upon us. Saturn is now aligned with the Galactic and shall be for the next month or so. As well, the centaur Pholus conjoins the Galactic Center. It’s time to review Galactic Center goodies and how to get them.

Pholus was one of the wise and just centaurs. His big guffaw was being overly hospitable. When Hercules showed up at his cave he was so pleased, he specially prepared meat to Hercules’ liking and then, opened the sacred wine entrusted to his possession by Dionysus. Problem being sacred wine requires ceremonial consumption and proper propitiation. It is also advisable to keep wine sealed in proximity of centaurs who love to get drunk and kick up all four of their heels. That did not happen when Hercules broke bread with Pholus and the result was the killing of many centaurs and the wounding of Chiron. So, in practical personal terms, Pholus serves as a reminder to be reverent regarding food and drink, as well as to conduct all acts in life with reverential intent.

On the mundane, we can expect to see realizations and developments regarding food and drink, and substance abuse programs. These efforts could be discoveries, legislation or the release of galactically inspired products regarding our physical well-being. Whole, organic and non-GMO foods may come into their prime, despite the efforts of corporations and legislators who lack the insight that what you put in your body determines how a person functions.

Here are blurbs for Saturn’s transit of the Galactic Center (GC)...

Progressive ideas automatically appear. Those who download and apply the insights benefit first and most. How do you know the ideas you’re getting are of galactic origins? Your body will respond. Your stomach might gurgle. Tingling and itchy sensations often occur in the hands and feet. Sometimes the sensation of a breeze may appear on ones neck or crown. An itchy scalp fits as well.

To appeal to the GC most clearly, take yourself out of the way. Ask for insight and information as if you’re asking for brilliance that you can apply to the common good. If one petitions the GC with personal information requests and seeking confirmation that one is groovy and galactically tuned in, silence most likely hangs in the air.

The galactic information that arrives is going to be... well, a bit out there. It could be that the technology is far-reaching, the doctrines downloaded do not match contemporary dogma, or society can’t quite catch the wave. Time is required for psyches to line up with the stretching insights. Years ago the term “psycho-technological adjustment” for ideas inspired by the GC came to mind. Quite frankly, it takes time for consciousness to wrap around a new concept, and more important, time is required to emotionally adjust to large, life-transforming innovations.

There is a natural delay of the collective consciousness to respond to galactic insights. Be patient. It could take six to fifteen months for others to warmly embrace the nugget of galactic gold you get today. Meanwhile, if you want immediate positive feedback, review your idea journal... you know the notebook where you physically write down concepts using a pen or pencil on real paper... and dig up something documented maybe nine months ago and discuss it like you just now thought of it. That should fly through today’s airwaves infinitely better!

Yes, write down those ideas. Tuning into the Galactic Center is actually a matter of “consciously channelling.” Own the insights you download. Claim ideas as if you thought of it - actually you sort of did. Keep in mind that the Galactic Center needs you to download to actualize the insight it hurls into space. The Galactic Center requires consciousness to respond to the insight rendered - akin to the question if a tree falls in the forest and no one is present, does the falling make noise. The Galactic Center shouts insights every which way looking for those who can sense, perceive, download and apply.

Up for the task? Saturn says download and install what you get. Execute each and every inspired mnemonic morsel. Pholus says propitiate for insight. Offer gratitude when information is received. Celebrate life. Fuel your being with good things and let the insights roll.